Monday, June 23, 2014

Garden 2014

I am having so much fun gardening this year. I only finished last week getting it all in, so I am hoping and praying that our growing season will let my plants flourish.

We have six garden boxes this year. I love it. My husband is Supportive, even though be feels like it would be easier to just buy some canned tomatoes and be done with it.

 We also planted four emerald green thujas so far, with the hopes of planting four or five more. We hope that by the time someone buys the property on the other side, that our yard will each get some privacy. I can't wait to put lights on them at Christmas time.Thuja. I mean, I love that word! I can't wait for them to grow!! :)
 Gardening this year has been awesome therapy. I was stressed until I got it all in, but what a relief now!! :) I hope it all goes well when I am out of town in July.
I can't remember where I snagged this picture from, but I love it. I never helped garden as kid, or young adult, but I sure am loving it. I like projects, and am so excited to learn how as an adul. I am looking forward to growth, weeds, and TO CAN tomatoes at the end of the year!! :) 

This was before we tore down the fence, shortening the chickens' yard and increasing garden space. Oooh, back when the yard was green, also. Cedar City has been hot and dry, and our grass sure has suffered.

Here is my lovely daughter, who helped us to mix the soil. She is so tender, caring, and helpful. What a blessing.

Even Princesses can learn to garden!!

Here is a project that my oldest daughter helped me with. Yay!! We finally put mulch around the tree!!

Heaton Reunion 2014

This weekend we were in Alton at the Heaton Reunion. It was great.
Here are my two younger boys on the right with their cousin on the left.

It was called the "UnHeaton Reunion", and that was true. Instead of racing from activity to activity, we had lots of time to visit!! It was great!!
Here is our four year old on the left with her cousin on the right. He is one of her "best fwiends".

I just love it that these two get along so well!

 This gjrl is so Brave!! she  probably has no fear at all, whereas I might be a  bit of a chicken considering a horse weighs much, much, much more than I do.
Fluffy hair flowing in the breeze... not a care in the world...!

The other awesome thing is that our house wasn't flooded when we got back like it did last year! What a relief!!

Until next year; ya bunch o' Heatons!