Monday, June 23, 2014

Heaton Reunion 2014

This weekend we were in Alton at the Heaton Reunion. It was great.
Here are my two younger boys on the right with their cousin on the left.

It was called the "UnHeaton Reunion", and that was true. Instead of racing from activity to activity, we had lots of time to visit!! It was great!!
Here is our four year old on the left with her cousin on the right. He is one of her "best fwiends".

I just love it that these two get along so well!

 This gjrl is so Brave!! she  probably has no fear at all, whereas I might be a  bit of a chicken considering a horse weighs much, much, much more than I do.
Fluffy hair flowing in the breeze... not a care in the world...!

The other awesome thing is that our house wasn't flooded when we got back like it did last year! What a relief!!

Until next year; ya bunch o' Heatons!

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